
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

boots to flip flops & back again

Friday was gorgeous. So we busted out our flip-flops and a sack lunch and headed to the park for a picnic. I actually had to put a little sunscreen on the kids before we went out. As I rubbed the sticky stuff on my little toe heads the promise of warmth had even me jumping around with excitement. The kids had a great time out in the sunshine, and I loved sitting on the bench soaking in the first warming rays of sunlight.
Today I am feeling like mother nature pulled a fast one on me. I guess I should be use to Utah spring by now, after all I have lived here most of my life. Still every year with the first sign of spring I am ready to pack up the winter boots and bulky coats and trade them in for flip-flops and Capri's. It never lasts long enough for me, I am always waiting for spring to come and stay a while... in Utah it never seems to. I always feel like we run strait from a too cold winter into a too hot summer.
Kids are more flexible, they just roll with it. So on Monday as I went in to mourning, they looked out their window to see a winter wonderland. And as children do, they happily pulled on their boots for one last jaunt in the white stuff.



Sunday, March 8, 2009

growing pains

As I have been organizing my photos this week, I can't help but feel sad. I can't believe my sweet baby girl will be four this year. It won't be too long before she will be trading her dolls in for makeup. It feels like in a blink of an eye my baby has turned in to a sassy, smart, darling little girl. I never want to forget these times of tea parties, coloring, and snuggling in bed reading stories. These are also days filled with tantrums, timeouts, and messes to cleanup, and as a young mom I have learned that growing up often comes with growing pains. When I focus on the struggles I easily forget all of the joys that fill my day. All to often find myself wishing away these precious years. I want to learn to better enjoy my present. I know when the drama of teenagers fills our home, I will be wishing for the sweetness of toddlers.